Crocodile cigar box

Crocodile cigar box

We present you a magnificent cigar box hailing from the enchanting ’60s. Crafted from authentic cedarwood, this masterpiece is a testament to craftsmanship and sophistication, each detail exuding the charm of a bygone era when artisanal mastery held sway.
In 2021, this unique box underwent a metamorphosis under the skilled hands of Jan Pulles, a restorer of unparalleled talent. The cedarwood casing was lovingly restored, and its surface gained a new dimension through meticulous hand-covering with the supplest Calfskin leather. The gentle touch of this luxurious leather evokes an era when craftsmanship was synonymous with perfection. What elevates this cigar box to a true gem is the top, painstakingly adorned with original Caiman Crocodilus Fuscus. This rare Crocodile hide adds a touch of exotic splendor, turning the box into a work of art that commands both admiration and respect.
Every inch of this masterfully restored cigar box attests to Jan Pulles’ dedication to preserve heritage and creating timeless beauty. A tribute to the past, a symphony of craftsmanship, and a reminder of the glory days of stylish indulgence.